Coach the Coaches Training Program
What was the Challenge?
A pharmaceutical company specializing in ophthalmology, faced the challenge of enhancing the effectiveness of their first-line sales managers in the Eastern European region. These managers play a crucial role in developing and supporting their customer-facing teams, yet limited interaction time makes it difficult to establish strong coaching relationships. To ensure these teams could deliver high-impact, confident performance in real-time, there was a clear need for a solid coaching foundation. The development of this coaching relationship was essential to drive the performance of the sales teams and, ultimately, improve sales results.
Our Seasons Approach:
Our Coach the Coaches program was designed to elevate managers’ mindsets and skills in the art of coaching. It provided essential techniques, strategies, and tools to help managers confidently engage in real-time coaching conversations, guiding them to initiate, navigate, and conclude discussions with impact and purpose.
Topics varied from (among many more):
- What is coaching? How is it different to other approaches?
- What does it mean to have a coaching mindset? What purpose does this serve?
- How can you help your coachee transform a limiting belief to help them build their confidence?
- What is the body language to look out for to drive change in your coachee?
- When can we trust our ‘gut’ as coaches?
- Feedback vs. Coaching – As a manager and as a coach – what is the difference between the two?
To coach with impact, we believe that it is just about mastering the content and ‘models’. It requires a shift in mindset. This means moving beyond traditional approaches to embrace a deeper awareness of one’s own biases, assumptions, and personal barriers. It perhaps involves adopting a new set of perspectives and beliefs about others and one’s self. This mindset shift is essential for achieving lasting success.
We combine theory and proven models with reflective practice. The REAL difference happens when it is applied in an ongoing practice during, between, and after our sessions. We support our clients in bringing these concepts into practice in their daily work, with an emphasis on the importance of post-practice reflections to ensure the deepening of their coaching capabilities, so they feel empowered to excel in their roles.
Program Impact:
From our clients themselves…
“I have seen one of my coachees transform a limiting belief of hers, which was directly linked to a specific ophthalmology client of hers, to an empowering belief (one that was quite sticky) and I can just see how much of a breakthrough it was for her. She has become a lot more confident and has stepped out of her comfort zone.”
“I have taken this learning and also applied it to myself! Thinking about my own limiting beliefs to increase trust in myself, contracting with my new line manager to establish how we will work best together, and reflecting on my own mindset to enable myself even further.”
“I have used so many of the tools from this program to coach medical representatives. At first, I was using these tools mostly during double visits. What’s been remarkable is seeing how these results persist even when I am no longer there and they’re off on their own. I can see the difference in how they are now thinking for themselves and feeling empowered to work on their own.”